If Godzilla got the “Space Ghost Coast to Coast” / “Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law” treatment, which characters would you be most excited about, and what would be their roles?
What are you picking up during the upcoming sale?
what song comes to your mind when you think of your favorite person?
Trump Guts ‘Unnecessary’ Agencies Serving Homeless, Libraries, and Museums
What is your guys favorite video game?
Would Morrissey have been near as popular solo, as in The Smiths?
Which monster/s you would love to see new players experience? ill go first
Only 10/10 mangas
Whos the most famous person you've ever met?
What boss is this for you?
JRPG with your favorite Art Style / Direction?
Name me your best Hidden Gem JRPG
Republicans Break Ranks to Strike Down Anti-Trans Legislation in Montana. The bills sought to ban drag and remove transgender children from their parents.
What was your first Godzilla experience 👇❤️
Which 4 kaiju do you think should come back for the next Monsterverse Godzilla film?
POP quiz! You stumble on a garbage bin full of vhs tapes, but you already have way too many.
New photos of Richard D. James
What are your opinions on Godzilla Raids Again?
What is your favorite “Hidden Gem” JRPG?
Jon Stewart Says Elon Musk Flaked on Interview Offer: “You Know That’s Bullshit”
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
What if hayao miyazaki made a godzilla animated film
Supreme’s New Aphex Twin Collection Retail Prices (via @dropsbyjay)
show me your baby shiba photos!
What is a Sierra PC game you grew up playing that you wish was remade today?