Next positive catalyst?
Beginner here, opinions welcome!
What are your positions?
Understanding Polkadot and the price action. What can we the community do from here?
Comparing Polkadot with Solana is like comparing a Lamborghini with a Tesla. Everyone bought the hype but didn't look at the techs, reliability and security. In this thread I will show you why Polkadot is far ahead of Solana in a couple topics 🧵
This is how Tesla will die.
Polkadot Growth Strategy: It's starting. We are building a coalition to implement a strategy for ecosystem development. This has been in the works for 9 months. We have a clear mission: Make Polkadot the best place to build Web3!
Shorting Tesla?
When is the polkadot app launched?
Community Poll - Leadership
What would you say is Clickhouse market cap?
Frequency’s User Boom: 30M from Blue Sky, TikTok Plans & Polkadot’s Future - Space Monkeys 182
Polkadot Cloud Staking 1.9.0 is here! Experience staking that's faster, smarter, and more rewarding 🧵
Polkadot🤝vbrick ⭕️- The kind of demand Elastic Scaling Was Built For!
Can someone explain the -15% drop and the +7% the same day?
Can anyone give us an update on the webinar for those who missed it
To all you guys thinking of selling at 50$ this how Nebius data centers will look 6 months from now
Raising a flag
Was Al-Muqaddasi a zionist?
Jewish Holocaust Survivors, calling Israel's actions in Palestinians in Gaza "a Genocide" - Who would know better than them ?! 7 min. Video work watching.
Palestine was a wasteland before the zionist project.
Trump insists Egypt, Jordan will take Gazans
Palestine was a wasteland before the zionist project
What do you guys make of the fact that most Israelis are from the Middle East?