godzilla 2024
carnotaurus helped by carno
indominus rex for the 50th time
uh oh
indominus rex finished
indominus rex progress
I am working on a Rudy dinosaur mech from ice age 3! Advice or tips are welcome!
godzilla 2014 finished (tricky helped me)
giganotosaurus WIP
Godzilla 2014 (WIP) had help by tricky
Akuma (custom) had help with tricky
clever girl
rexy (new)
does anyone want to join my freinds discord server (https://discord.gg/aS3y6c5R) she's helped me tons so just pls i just want to return all the time's she's helped me (but you dont have to if you want)
Hi, my friend made a babft discord server and was wondering if anyone wanted to join it. Link: https://discord.gg/5HUcgSCE ( If it doesnt work then sry )
jp3 ( jurassic park 3 )
The new spino
guys give me godzilla/kaiju ideas