Kamila Valieva StSq 2019 Moscow Younger Age Championships
level 4 CCSp?
Floor workers with the best elongation/amplitude?
margarita and lena
double axel!
Ina Bauer + 2A
Another 3a
NTSB Report Released: "Existing regulation poses intolerable risk to aviation safety"
Margarita Mamun’s post for international woman’s day. I liked her caption. She is a true inspiration
Trying to find a song, I played the notes on a violin piano simulation thing to get the notes
My 2025-26 Free Skate "Solitude" and "In Memoriam"
Elena Kostyleva 4S+3A
Eteri’s comment on The Skating Lesson’s remarks
What’s your biggest jump ick
Amber :(
TheSkatingLesson "apology"
Mark Cockerell
someone help ☠️☠️
There should be more opportunities for adult figure skaters.
Edea Pianos pain - Competiton urgency
David Lease “The Skating Lesson” is awful
Pauline Schäfer-Betz appears to be seriously training to recover her DLO. Both her DLO and her double pike have not been seen since an injury on floor at 2018 German nationals.
Isabella Aparicio Legacy on Ice
Legacy on Ice Live Discussion Thread