People got understandably upset with Blake Lively for making serious accusations with no credible receipts... and somehow are okay with this person doing the same exact thing? Make it make sense.
Protective order ruling
Full Protective Order Hearing Court Transcript (3/6/2025)
Did the NYT falsely represent the document they shared as a CRD complaint when it was just a draft of a legal filing?
If there was no smear campaign, what exactly was Jed Wallace doing?
Son (13) send a nude. Now being spread. Where do we stand (England)
Someone found Gold
I’m in the UK and just found out that Vets (I think in US) give Cats Prozac and Pregabalin? Surely not?? I take similar as a Human!!
Why isn't Emily D Baker still covering the case?
Saw this on a pro Blake sub
It's a good day to have a good day :)
Court Proceedings are being live-streamed: Discussing Protective Order Audio Streaming Here - LISTEN HERE (Dave Neal)
LIVE IN COURT: Discussing Protective Order Audio Streaming Here - LISTEN HERE (Dave Neal)
Code for the video conference Thursday 10am
I'm not pro-Blake, but I am not a fan of the way many pro-Justin people talk about her. Anyone feel the same?
The issue with BL's subpoena for Abel's phone records
Lauren’s video Joneswork vs Abel
Reality bites Podcast details the leverage Blake not signing her contract gave her over Sony/Wayfarer.
I am still confused about subpoenas in the Jones vs Abel lawsuit
Our asshole cat is genuinely obsessed & in love with our blind daughter 🤍
Court to hold a public video conference on march 6 10am
Baldoni vs. Lively: February 3rd Conference Transcript
Intimacy Coordinator...
BL filed her CRD complaint on 12/20, NYT released that article 12/21 and says they reviewed thousands of text messages.. within 24 hours?
Big question: will this lawsuit drain BL and RR financially? We have a whole year to go still