[New Player] I have almost 500hrs, and its my first wipe. How do I get to this guys level of skill?
He must really have a really good roll
Claim your here before 5 year archive trophy
Git Gud
Honolulu, HI
First EVER Blitz knife ace B)
I’m going mental playing this
Never saw em coming
My first play through of outlast, never been more scared
No, I didn’t get the ace if you were asking
Wondering when we’ll go pro
Not as cool a combo as we thought
What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done in Stellaris?
SpaceX launches mars shuttle circa 2019
Chris angel babyy
Esports ready
New Maverick Elite Skin Confirmed
There is no counter to an m870
Hot Breaching at its finest
Roses are red, love is so blind...
What was your schools huge scandal?
Do you remember what 682 did? Eye do.
stupid carl
I wish that every time someone upvotes a post they throw the device their using