Angsty songs?
Meeting caskets?
Concert Friendship Bracelets :)
Set it off tour
Song recommendations for The Red Archive
metallic taste in mouth
Which one is the best commercial?
Good first longlines tower to climb
Describe a Pink Floyd song name with emojis
What is this antenna?
Favorite summer quote?
300 feet
Another tower climb
What's something you spend an obscene amount of money on, that's simply worth it for you?
$3 Goodwill find.
Going to need someone to explain the thought process behind this one…
Oversized truck blocking all three lanes of traffic…
Not looking forward while speeding on the highway
Eating while standing on a moving bicycle on the middle of a street
Wcgw Putting Fireworks around you're neck
Rick has a son. Any thoughts on his possible future?
How hearing works [@zackdfilms on youtube]
What are your guys names for acid?
2,000 miles for the year!
The Aztek gets hated on all day. For a challenge, say something nice about mine