kemon ????
How good you guys(INTP folks) are with kids (around 5-7)
Why you should always accel
I wanna be a criminal
What in the rat is this team i faced💀💀
Confused about weapons
I swear if I see another person spitting on the road while looking at me I'm gonna beat the sh*t Outta them
Attack pattern recognition.
why do u choose to live ?
Sundarban tour packs recommendation chai 🙏
Made up of 80% Testosterone 20% Rum | Weapon: Will power
Can anyone tell me how can I improve my gameplay
Who is Your Favorite Philosopher/Thinker?
What Music Artists do you Like?
Maybe my single greatest achievement in this game lol
What servers are you guys on?
Can't remember last time I lost in a match
Crazy ass shit Inta feed
No laugh in funeral home?
Who needs enemies when you have VIPs like this…
Do Masons even have a self-preservation instinct?
How do y'all deal with that Garp maniac ?!
Only buff that zoro need.
Was this a game error? The game made me be the duke.. LoL