What is the worst sentence ever? OWE
Hey! I'm making a treasure hunt in a minecraft server. I've made a few steps but I'm out of ideas for cyphers/riddles.
I want to make an arg, so im curious about what resources you use
"Your account hasn't been logged in in 31 days sO yoU doNt gEt yOuR pRogReSsIon StuFF"
I'm so mad rn
People whose first words weren't "mama", what were your first words?
Now that we’re allowed to post images, let’s see your icon set
"spu7nix makes sex simulator in gd editor" is S! What does T stand for?
How do you change the offset of the song with the song trigger?
Why does ignore damage not work on blocks?
English is fun
Why is everything at the mechanic so expensive?
I hate this dude. What's your least favorite bossfight in the game?
I wrote a letter to the girl i like, i hope she likes me back <33
Peppas simulator
The cringe is too much
Can't wait for the movie sequel
It do be like that sometimes
What sould my 100th demon be?
Sounds like an eye opening experience
port 25565 is not open even though Ive done port forwarding correctly