Two Shivas FC - Join us! [FC] [LFM] [Louisoix]
TSOC [FC] [LFM] [Chaos]
TSOC [FC] [Discord] [Louisoix] [LFM]
Where can I get original 1st edition cards valued in the uk?
Out-fucking-rageous that a teacher ever has to voice this
Does anyone want a free Gong Cha flying Pig mount?
So this is…. Horrible (Captain America)
So this is…. Horrible.
Guess I won’t be finishing this tonight….
What Jim prank makes you laugh the hardest?
Gaming Cafes in York
PC Gamer - Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail is a great story with a ton of potential, but it's told so poorly it nearly ruins the whole thing
TSOC [FC] [LFM] [Louisoix] [C]
Trading these genned zeraora, LF offers
Furfrou Trades FT: Pic LF: Kabuki and Debutante Trims
Furfrou Trades FT: Star, Dandy, Matron and Diamond LF: Kabuki and Debutante Trims
WIP Core Captain Marvel
WIP Captain Marvel - First zenithal priming attempt.
Sounds like thunder up close.
It sounds like thunder up close!
First set of bases finally completed. Any tips?
Is the premium pass worth it?
LF Regidrago TT
LF: Regieleki tradeback