Every single Fortnite skin, tier listed.
Once again another skin that could easily have been a style option because they don’t know how to give brick people style options I guess
Fortnite has added quite a lot of Fortnite r rated characters, what would you want to come in Fortnite? 🤔 Me personally just for a halo skin to come back in the item shop huge fan.
I’d love to see imposters return as a permanent mode.
What other pixar skins would we like to see?
What is your favorite anime collab?
I have my entire pass complete and still haven’t been granted my “Mos Eisley Homestead” and there’s 2 days left of the pass.
Anyone have a extra Envoy Greathorn I could have I’m desperate
DMR spawn in ridiculous
What is a collab you are surprised we haven’t gotten yet?
I’m sorry but people need to be refunded if they purchased this scam, this is something that should be FREE in the mode it’s for, absolutely disgusting business practice.
Storm needs a huge change
Seen this on X/twitter , Tim needs to stop this metaverse stuff this is the worst business practice I’ve seen sense overwatch “2”
Can anyone explain to me why Teef is banned but none of his themed items are also banned?
What the hell was is epic smoking this update
y’all are over reacting like crazy
This age restriction on cosmetics is absolutely terrible
In your opinion, what does everyone want to see from the fortnitemares season?
So Epic, I hear you need money…
With ahsoka missing a glider I felt they could of done something like ohms glider where the pickaxe and back bling combined to become the glider
I feel like it’s about time Master Chief gets his duo counterpart Arbiter
Can people stop asking for Travis Scott back?
Looks kinda familiar, doesn’t it? If you watch Ahsoka you know…
With Ahsoka Tano coming to Fortnite in less than a week, what are you hoping to see release with her?