I hate rich people..
Danielle in season 6 🩷 gorg
Is anyone having lags problems or my internet just sucks?
who should be in the second row?
Found this, drama was for sure in the air irl 🫣
Is anyone else getting disconnected randomly in the middle of the battle?
Alyssa Milano in Elsbeth 2x14. So much fun! I
Why I never liked Edie & Carlos together
Julia or Michelle Chang in T8
Eye Candy was everything
My opinion on you based on who you main
I hate Azucena
if only these two could have met… they either would have been the ultimate best friends or have the ultimate diva off💜
Andrea Bowen reposted this on her insta story! 🥹 Love that these two are so close irl 🌺
she ACTUALLY might boil my blood more than kayla did
face card was absolutely lethal
How do we feel about Jane
y’all- what’s tea? this 3 seem to really not like terri hatcher irl
I always fall in love with the characters I probably won't see again :(
It’s been over a year, where’s Lucky Chloe?
Ranma 1/2 fans I was wondering if you have seen the show, do you prefer Akane or Shampoo?
What we need in Tekken Shop
Danielle just wanted some love and attention💔
MJ Delfino
wtf is up w Katherine in season 6 😭