Tea Party
Question about getting an achievement
Emel is suchhh a pain!
Fake dumpings need to STOP
i did a thing
Remake of LITG coming out on Episode
Romance Club Best LI Tournament: Round 1
What do we think of the stories released in 2024?
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Am I alone in thinking that Summer Nights is comfortably in the bottom 3 of all seasons?
how it feels playing when you ignore the complaints of every season😍🥰
Um called it.
There’s no way you didn’t fold considering every other boy from this season. Is he not the best looking of the bunch?
remember when Casa used to be actually good 🥵🤤
*SPOILERS* No is a full sentence…
Look alike
Help! How Can I Get Dave Back?
One more day to tell us who's your LEAST favorite female LI
I’m sorry what even is this story? 🤣
So sad
Better apps ?
Maybe it was because he was my first RC love, but I miss him! ❤️💝😞
Desperately Seeking Noah – Is There Still Hope?
Bruno’s reaction