Devs removed 50% of your leader traits in the New Phoenix Beta released yesterday
Stellaris Dev Diary #374 - Announcing the 3.99.0 "Phoenix" Open Beta
Congratulations to the POE2 race #2 Winner, with an Act 3 Doryani speedrun kill of 2h 26m 19s!
Path of Exile 1 vs. Path of Exile 2 Monthly Player Data [Information]
Path of Exile 2 vs. Path of Exile 1 Monthly Player Data [Information]
Path of Exile 2 Monthly Player Data [Information]
Breaches are so fun
Monk is so much fun
cEDH Survey #2 RESULTS: POTENTIAL UNBANS! (300+ participants!)
cEDH Metagame SURVEY #2 - "Theoretical Unbans" - [Open now]
Please fill out this General cEDH Metagame Survey (5 minute Survey)
cEDH Metagame Survey RESULTS! (400+ participants!)
[BLB] Baylen, the Haymaker
[MH3] Glaring Fleshraker - Discussion/Predictions
[MH3] Gleaming Fleshwarper - The most broken new MH3 uncommon for Legacy?
[MH3] New leak - Glimpse the impossible
Gr or gw lands in the current meta
Why are DEX melee Fighters (for weapon & Shield) not more common than STR if not going 2-handed?
The best frontline & burst damage in the game, Optimal Oathbreaker Lockadin complete build guide
Oathbreaker Paladin/GOO Warlock damage showcase
Whenever it freezes this happens to our spare bedroom windows.
What is something you cannot believe modern technology hasn’t fixed yet?
Level 100 - New Max Level Record on 30 Difficulty!
All Master+Legend Run, Lvl 50+ (Even after 60% Exp Nerf)
[Guide] 30 Difficulty, Lvl 60+, 100 000 Gold - How to easily beat the game