Why do you think that LGBTQ people have stronger correlation to mental illness than non-LGBTQ people?
Is this Afib? Im 14 yrs old and im teriffied
Doctor asked me to give their MD son a positive review online
Healthcare is Too Expensive
Lilly stock crash
No Game, Social Anxiety, 26(M)
I’m sobbing.
Anyone else have a reaction like this? **Possible Trigger Warning**
Speak from Experience? (Ablation/AFIB)
Holter/Life Monitor (Phillips) - Satisfying?
70 pounds lighter
How to Work (With AFib)
Finally noticing physical change!
Neck “Cracking.”
Cleaning Tile and Hardwood Floors - Old Apartment Building
AFIB Newbie
New Product, SPIFF Woefully Inadequate
My problem with Meredith Grey, is the show still worth watching ?
Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy on patient with Wound Dehistention
Management of wounds with exposed bones or tendons in children by vacuum-assisted closure therapy
Got me a vac veraflo after My wound suddenly began having a lot of discharge. There has been today in about 10 hours 50 ml discharge from the wound
Negative pressure wound therapy
Your opinion on negative pressure wound therapy
7 weeks and 4 surgeries post hip replacement. Taken while wound vac was being changed.
Frostbite amputation post-op.