At what point do you stop summoning on a banner (casual player)
I mean i wanna summon for him but I also kinda wanna keep saving up
Help pleasesss
Who to coin
Whats the most amount of money you've spent on dokkan
I got him on a super shenron animation!!
Worth it to coin a dupe?
Bro ..
New player
Just awakened this Broly and holy sh#! I forgot how expensive he is
Be honest is the team good?
I hate RNG
is he any good
Just getting back into the game after a long hiatus, are any of these guys worth using or have they all been power crept? If so what’s the meta now?
which seza i should pick with my last red stone, or is there another better option?
He’s here!!
This doesn’t make sense
Current favourite teams to run
Can I make a team with these?
New account
Is it worth
New player need an opinion
What Dragon Ball take in this fandom made you go like this?
Worth it to finish rotatio or save?