Anyone only have easy/“unicorn” babies?
Blowouts galore.. how to get out stains?
LG Smart TV won’t allow internet connection to apps
Fertility doctors were wrong...
I only judge moms on one thing, and I wish I didn’t…
What are your toddler’s favorite TV shows right now?
What parenting advice accepted today will be critisized/outdated in the future?
To all the moms out there did you “know” you were pregnant way before you found out?
Daycare doesn’t allow breastmilk after 1 yr old, how did you continue nursing?
How are you all affording multiple kids?
My kid controls the tv
What made you say "ok it's time for the toddler bed"??
Would you put your toddler in speech therapy, if they were moderately speech delayed? Family thinks I shouldn't due to money issues
How to deal with 2 year old wanting a parent who is unavailable at that time?
The cord for connecting the pumps still hasn't dried a day after watching it
Are there any rules in the school or any admin directive that you do not follow?
Be honest - how often do you clean your bathroom?
How are we saying no to toddler wanting foods at grocery stores?
It us now officially illegal to use my trans students' preferred pronouns.
How long do you stay for a play date?
Can we all agree girl clothes sizing is completely ridiculous?
How long is your February break?
People that us tracking apps (Huckleberry, Cubtale etc.) when did you stop using them?
No more pencils
What’s weighing on your mind right now that you just need to get off your chest?