Is this cursed enough? (Had to hold it due to it not being able to stand)
Pick a number between 1-100
Just found a new character, what the FUCK should I name him?
Spam the Venom Snake GIF. JUST DO IT!
Would you want to be her cassettes
To all of the horny
I hate ____er
I _______ the ouija board.
Day 3. Mods, I'm giving you 1 last chance to ban me, if not, my reign of terror of horny post will be continued on this sub reddit. And before you ask, i live in Indonesia, you, mods are most likely American, so soon, my reign will continue.
What I've Done!
Female Shockwave
Who you think that would be the most worthy successor of Optimus Prime?
_____ now, _____ tomorrow and _____ forever!
The dads of the dinobots everybody
Since Valentine's Day is coming, what's your favorite ship?
What assumptions can you make abt my avatar😎
Not a criticism, just an observation
I want to play a little game with the mods. If they don't ban me within the next 3 days, then I will continue posting soft nsfw pics, but they do ban me, any ban, temporary or permanent, i will never post here ever again.
Dear u/Longjumping_Ideal-93, r/hornytransformemes is down the hall to the left
Based on my avatar, how old do you think I am?
Do y'all hate/like/love me for posting "porn" on this sub reddit?
What else should I watch?
Optimus prime is ready for some "action"
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