Baddies Midwest Hot Takes
Brandi screaming “MORGANNNN” 🤣
Top 5 BGC seasons
A bunch of condemned buildings coming down on N Market St (1920 N Market St)
My version of BGC 13
Brandi leaving S5
i’m creole
As a Scotty fan, I’m done.
I know it’s been years, but this will never not make me angry..
Bad girls you would hang out with irl ?
imo jessica, she definitely wasn’t THAT relevant
What Are Your Thoughts About Tiara
Best season (in your opinion?)
Baddies South
Jaz on getting called boring
I blame production more than I blame the girls for how BGC11 turned out
Who is working today
What are some bad girls that was most hated that you liked
What’s one season that you will absolutely NOT rewatch?
BGC 5 Miami my cast ranking
favorite seasons?
Ripsi's Opinion on Tomik S1
Top 5 seasons of BGC?
Why didn't they just focus on the original mean girls?
What are some places you would like to see built in Delaware?