I think
who's this?
Prayer circle
Which cas song
What's your entry?
Koi No Yokan was released on this day in 2012 🤘 What’s your favorite song?
Acheron saved me a lot of time (No regrets)
favourite japanese song
What is your top 3 favorite songs from this album?
Was in the Caverns looking for a crit dmg chest, decided to roll on this for fun...
This is my favorite Deftones album
Do i look good in this?
How To Finish Off Your 20s?
Royal Scandal
Team comps
What song do you never get tired of and always hits hard?
I want to get into KPop!
I fucking love Hoshi
Which Deftones song are you defending like this?
Which Starset song are you defending like this?
underrated seventeen songs
Patut ke aku masuk asrama
What is the most unskipable Kpop album?
Midnight in Kulur Lumpu
What are your favorite Japanese songs?
Women of Bolehland,do you agree with this statement?