Which Joker story did you think was more disappointing?
Which of these modern Joker stories did you think was the best?
With the further passage of time, I can confidently say that this is one of the worst Spider-Man stories ever written.
What is your favorite Daredevil origin story?
Which is your favorite version of Daredevil's origin?
Daredevil by Nocenti & Romita - Worth getting or skippable?
Was anybody else disappointed by how Crossbones was completely wasted in Civil War? He's one of Captain America's best villains in the comics.
Jason X (2001) ! How much of a fan are you of this one?
Which of the "color" stories was your favorite?
Battle of the Part 4’s: what’s your favourite of the 4’s?
Frank Tieri's Wolverine is criminally underrated.
Number Nine has to be one of the strangest supporting characters in comic book history.
Say something positive about Paul Rabin.
What’s your top 3 of the franchise?
Best Punisher writer besides Garth Ennis?
Remember that time Mr. Fear succeeded in ruining Matt Murdock's life and essentially got away with it since he controlled the prison he was sent to? This is one of the few times I've seen a comic villain completely win on pretty much every level.
Spider-Man TAS character tier list
Do you prefer the Kingpin as a Spider-Man or Daredevil villain?
Say something positive about Paul Rabin. I challenge you.
Code Veronica intimidates the crap outta' me.
Spider-Man TAS had the single best iteration of the Black Cat (including the comics).