The banker is revealed and my prediction was right.
The Banker was revealed!
7 days recovering from Spay
Random cuts/bumps on base of tail
Who names their child blue
Whitney and the cupcake comment
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Am I in the wrong for not being able to see my husband’s side of things?
Congrats but…
This season is retro reality TV, in good ways and bad
Tuesday will be Vet appointment. My sweetie has this "wounds" on her belly. Anything i should/could do until the appointment? Or avoid? Thank you very much
My mom wants to keep some of the natural wood on this interior, but I just don't think it's nice enough to show off, especially in such a small space. Am I missing some glorious, untapped potential or would bare wood just make the space too dark?
Jena needs a break!
Can you imagine Emmy’s reaction if Will were to break up with her?
I didn't know it snowed in the Bahamas
Do you feel like we really 'know' these people?
Will cheated, Emmy knows, and doesn’t care
Grace Lilly would be dead to me.
Hear Me Out…
Who made this the default picture of Emmy when you Google her? 😭🫣
my roommates bf keeps coming to stay the night unannounced and i’m going to crash out
UPDATE to “sensitive to sounds” won’t let me vacuum in peace roommate:
Erika Jaynes Discount House Makeover
Found in the restroom at a thrift store. Anyone know what the drawing is?