Starla offers your OC a cosmic brownie!Would they accept it or no?And what would their reaction be perhaps?
Type "Shark bit my______ Off"
Tell me ur username so I can out you in my game!
Say why you love your fav cookie - but don't tell us who it is - and everyone will try to guess! (image sorta-related)
Tell me a weird thing you have done and I'll give you a crk character (image somewhat related)
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
I’ll draw oc in my style! (Rules in description)
Who's this Cookie for you?
I'm sorry, WHAT?!
Type your OC's name without these letters
The two types of cake decorators
what was the first time you got lucky? (the first lucky thing that happened to you when you first started) I'll go first:
Silly toon redesigns
Misspell your favourite toon's name in the comments [image unrelated]
Just a reminder these people payed 100 dollars each to be shown dancing for 9 seconds.
Tell me your favorite cookie and see if you're allowed in....(idk what fl@ir to u$e 💔)
You can't make this up bro
Hold on
Who is your fav cookie?
The title of the last video you watched is what nickname you called her
How do you pronounce ichor? ick-or.. eye-core?
I'm never redesigning her ever again
what if shadow milk was powered by green (i wasted 30 minutes of my life making this)
*sighs* I'm sorry... but... what's your opinion on Game Toons