my room as an autistic and depressed 25f
Autism contributed to waking up late as family Scapegoat
Check-in Post - Have something to say but don't want to make a post about it? Comment here!
nMother leaves messages
Calling out toxic behaviour
This is a good reaction?
What is the number one sign someone is a narcissist?
Adult children of Nparents, how old were you when you finally fully realized you were abused?
Anyone else the scapegoat that escaped?
Parental Alienation Documentary - Dr Amy Baker interview. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Did the smear campaign ruined your life?
What Flavour of Autism Did you get
For my fellow quiet autistic people, do yall ever fear that someone probably thinks like this about you irl, me personally i hope not.
I dont agree with the idea aliented parents shouldn't fight back. I dont agree with what is considered "sound advice" throw away and an likely unpopular opinion.
people who hated showers but don’t anymore, how did you make that transition?
I hate when people stereotype every autistic person as this
Visual Representation of Autism
Is it common for people with ADHD and/or autism to feel bored and wanting to do something but at the same time you don't know what to do or you feel too lazy to do something?
I met a camel!!!!
The origins of this Beautiful Nightmare.
Is it true that narcissists always get away with their behaviours?
My brother doesn't believe I'm autistic (I'm diagnosed)
Grouping text box with sketch?
Adam Audio D3V -- Disable stand by mode?
I made a video about the D3Vs, my first Adam Audio experience!