Asking about mods
The ultimate fight, Ryu is able to defeat all of those characters?
how did this happen
Japanese special edition package art
Finally finished this piece.
uhh... 😐
Trying to learn coloring...
Screenshot i took from my xbox. Made a few edits. This game is beautiful.
Rising raiden concept redraw
Do you think a rising revengeance 2 would satisfy the "bland" "unoriginal" arguments for current generation gaming given it's popular uprising.
Choose your difficulty in the description
from the MGRR art book
Mgr is too easy even on revengence difficulty
Did a raiden reference sketch
Workout routine, son!
If armstrong was japanese
The good ending
Fun fact. Sam Raimi's spider-man 2 credits theme is sung by jimmy gnecco. The vocalist behind it has to be this way & collective consciousness.
Why is my FC draining so fast?
Ever noticed how all the Snakes aside from Solid and Venom were child soliders?
Any mod to get rid of glowing attack indicators? Red, yellow & occasional white for jetstream.
Should I Buy The Game
Last night I had a dream that MGR2 was teased and in development
If you could fight like one of these two. Who's style would you pick?
Do you have a non gaming song that you play when fighting bosses?