Is my Sp5der hoodie real? It is quite worn out because I had it for a while
Problems with Body Odor
Do you guys use your soap?
A friend got me this Spidey Suds box and then I bought the hat for $20 at Ace Hardware. Pretty good day if you ask me. Ironically, Spidey Suds is a bricc that I don't even have which I have over 50 briccs.
Kraxicorde is out. Day 14. Comment your two LEAST favorite characters.
I didn't create this meme and I don't know who to credit for it, but it's funny
What did you hate when you were younger and now you love so much?
birchwood breeze or fresh falls (deodorant)
rate this account is it good
Can someone do this trade? I'm the frost uni
My brother got scammed a while back when I was poor in adopt me. I now have a no pot owl and want to surprise him with his old pets. If you have at least most of them, I'm willing to negotiate. I am the owl in this trade
Basically, my brother got scammed a long time ago when I had no good pets. I now have a no pot owl. I want to surprise him with some of his old pets back. I doubt anyone has all of those but I need this trade to happen. I am the owl for this trade.
I used to play a lot of Piggy a long time ago, are Bess and Gold Piggy rare now?
Tier List!!
I used tarn x on a sterling silver chain and it turned reddish, how do I fix it?
I've had bad blackheads and stuff on my nose for about 2 years and it makes me very self conscious. How do I clear it up? I have tried many face washes, masks, and pore strips, none of them seem to do anything.
First purchase… smells like nothing?
This seems extremely sketchy, should I do this? I have second thoughts about this due to all of the ways someone can get scammed or hacked
No pot owl for trade
Anyone used cheeky soap?
Do I do this trade?
Safari was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day two! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
To the people who got a Haetae without trading for it
How is Everyone Getting the Haetae?