That was intense! Congrats to all. This was entertaining to watch
Macabre curiosity: On March 15th, the men who sealed the end of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire died
March 15th is the anniversary of the death of Odoacer, the man who sealed the end of the Western Roman Empire.
Anniversary of Julius Caesar's death... What do you think of Caesar?
Dog is fine, but T1-000 perfect animality would be
Xena's voice actress in Brazil (Sheila Dorfman)
My craziest point
'' Vai tomar no seu cu'' é o que me dá vontade dizer pra esses filósofos
Alaric, king of the goths and count of the Romans. Honestly, a hero. He was never against Rome and he should be re-evaluated
triste realidade
Argentinos acharam uma boa ideia eleger um ancap para presidente e agora estão pagando o pato. Bem feito.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Today was thee best day🥹
Forza Horizon 5 Comes to PlayStation 5 in Spring 2025
Você que comprou dólar a 6.10 e hoje está 5.90 como se sente?
Why is Xena a "Warrior Princess"?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
For which one are you most excited for?
Guilherme Boulos vai processar o Nikolas.
Já começaram com as narrativas...
Renee O'Connor reviewing her Gabrielle funkopop!
Why is Nina the strongest character according to some experts/pro?
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