When and how often do you guys take showers?
I saw this and immediately started crying. 😿
I hate time/time keeping
Rate this art out of 10 BUT this time DONT be critical
Preety autistic
rate my first ever enclosure!
is my dwarf hamster overweight?
Does anyone else have that motherly sense for their pets?
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
My skittish hamster spooking herself.
I lost my Apple Pencil, thoughts and prayers please
Autistic parents on raising their autistic child
Can you tell what my favorite animal is
Name a song that ur addicted to rn
Oily skin help??
Art teacher told me not to include this in my project because “it puts a bad light on my skill level” should I disobey her or stick it in anyway? It fully links to my project, sorry about the bad quality photo
My little sphere <3
I’m getting some Guinea pigs and I want to make sure I have everything!
I can't get the hang of it
What is y’all’s safe foods?
UPDATE: on me stepping on a cockroach yesterday
My weird baby
How did you discover that you have autism
Why am I seeing so many more nazis?