Can you bomb your house in DCS ? In the name of science
Auto , Burst, or Semi?
wtf? Please help i need that slot. (I created it 5 mins ago, clicked "Log out" and now this shows up)
What the actual fuck
Do we like the Lampirydae here?
Apparel top/shirt doesn't show in first person (ADVANCEDx combat shirt), doesn't happen with other uniforms
I recreated the bunker ending cutscene in GEN4
Rentner rast mit Rollator in Menschenmenge
Mathe ist Blau, Deutsch ist Grün und Englisch is Rot!!!
Right or center
Lore wise, which version of the FOB fits?
Since LMG's are soon to be coming, which LMG's do you think will be added?
EF-24: Is there a difference in using the outer or inner pylons for the jammers?
Moonlander or Bus with thrusters?
AWACS listening...
You can see many of the different NPC's names in the book in war saint Nicholas' hut
One word
I went from the nimbus to the bronze sea, then this happened
QnA (MB_Sniper Dev)
I sometimes forget how beautiful peripherals can be….
I just found out you can open the door normally! I always just ran into it to open
For anyone interested, this is the glider chest animation
What am I doing wrong/missing (pcvr wireless)?