what was your first job as a new grad, & how long did it take to apply and get hired?
Should Nurses write out surgical and anesthesia consent forms for MDs?
What’s a “normal” childhood experience you later realized was actually traumatic?
Patient requesting suppository when it’s not needed
If you won the lottery what would be signs of you being rich?
What supplies do you “borrow” from your hospital for home use?
What do you do with your old lightbulbs? We are not supposed to toss them in the trash, right?
How many scrubs do you own?
calling out while pregnant
What's a nursing skill you're grateful you haven't had to perform on a patient so far in your career?
what’s something you saw 25 years ago that you don’t see nowadays?
People who work in restaurants: What is the most popular dish there? What is your favorite dish there?
Should I pass this student?
"Why is my nurse a male?" WRONG ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE.
What’s the best reason a patient has fired you?
2025 Elantra: Seems like a lot of road noise on the highway for a new car. Thoughts?
White House says that a large bruise on Trump’s hand is from 'shaking hands all day every day'
Whose job is breakfast?
What's the worst response to your Girlfriend asking If she looks fat ?
Serious Question: Where are the best blueberry pancakes in Long Beach?
Too Old To Start?
Halal Grocery
Doctor reported me to the manager
Former patient here. Did my ICU nurse cross boundaries with me?
Retiring 2012 Mini, just bought a new Mac Mini...none of my cables fit.