Any updates on a cure for tinnitus ?
Is there any hope for a cure?
Is my waking up bcs of tinnitus ?
Ive had this illness as far back as I can remember, is there anyway to combat it?
Advice please
Isn't silence safer than sound therapy for noise damage Tinnitus?
pls help me understand ear plugs
Finally a cause?
Gamers with tinnitus how do you play?
wondering if anyone is going through or has gone through something similar
I have been suffering from tinnitus for a year now.
I'm about to reach 700,000 minutes of music listened to on Spotify.
Alternatives to loop earplugs?
Using headphones and going to concerts with tinnitus?
Tinnitus only when I get a cold what can be done???
Questions for people of all severities, feel free to answer
Sleep Support Question
@martingarrix has revealed that he also suffers from it due to not protecting his ears early in his career. 🎧
My Tinnitus is completely somatic, what kind of doctor can help?
Diplacusis, dysacusis, hyperacusis...what is this shit.
I went to the club once and now I have permanent tinnitus and 1 ear with hearing loss of 3000hz
Hissing more than ringing?
Newly diagnosed here
How to make sure I never get tinnitus?
Unplugged Headphones