Does anyone else really hate basing?
Two little girls helping their dad rebuild an engine
He seems to be very angry 😵😠
Denied Sapience 11
Help me find my next series? something not on this list!
People in trial never change
AITA for refusing to step down as a bridesmaid because of my boyfriend’s ultimatum?
Send me your painted Lions
1 year of 40k
Stupid question: Where the hell do I get or how do I make a justiciar.
My first Cerastus plus a spiced up shield.
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
Sick Week 2026 Thoughts - Cheap Car Challenge
Former employee goes berserk inside UPS after hearing of his firing
First Cerastus
This is it. The clearest photo of a NHI UAP.
I'm curious on how strong the Space Marines are? Would something like this be possible? Art by me
If I glue this on could I play it without using the missile launcher?
The decision has been made! Did it go in your favor?
Trump winning made me realize how truly dumb 74 million Americans are
Absolutely fucking crazy hope he get fired and put in jail
Olivia Rodrigo removes song from TikTok after Trump campaign uses it in victory video