My ‘hidden’ setup
Modulr. by Simpl.
Latest setup
2018 1.5T Still Going Strong
Hi can I make it so that the shape goes under the text?
Lock Screen share. Post yours too!
Calendars app redirect not working
I got 10 wins in a row
New AIO (freebie)
Coming soon
Why does the invisible Widget has not the same Color?
I don’t know how I feel about it.
how do people make these clear box things?
I need some help with my widgets!
Why do I keep getting autofilled in Jungle in my ranked games?
Mute all, ping mute all
My latest set up.
Playing cassio vs long range mages?
Looking to have Gmail and Google Calendar widgets but without the dark background?
Any fellow “all apps on Home Screen” folks?
Shortcut Help
How many people are still using shortcuts for custom app icons? If so has anyone found a way to make custom app icons open seamlessly?
How long did it take you to get out of Iron?