Anyone else notice how pissed Scotley appeared when it set in who they were going up against? S18 EP1
Nude hiking: Where? and How?
Caught this badass on my patio chair. Relocated away from my too curious cats (Green Lynx?)
Comment your favorite chef from all 23 seasons of HK….
1/24 Roughly 6:15am. Rocket? Taken from Organgecrest area (pls ignore dad talking in the background lol)
Has any single kill in a horror movie had more real life impact than the log truck kill in Final Destination 2?
TIFU By making a joke about my dad dying at almost the exact moment he died
What do you think of donating sperm? And would you?
SIL's Gay Brother and Me
Christian misinformation about climate change is having a real affect
What race/ethnicity has the least attractive guys in your opinion?
from a gay perspective, what's the best mental health advice you could give?
Nuked an interview because "nobody wants to work anymore".
Last Night In Soho plagiarized its whole story from an Scooby-Doo movie
What is the first game you think of seeing this?
Forget the GTA Trilogy, we need a Definitive Edition of this.
If your penis made a sound every time it got hard, what would you want that sound to be?
A single POV... Except not truly. How do you break this rule well?
Which fictional creature/villain traumatized you in your childhood?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Men who were previously living a lazy/unmotivated lifestyle, how did you get out of it and turn it around?
🔥 Raccoons adorably playing behind someone’s house 🔥
As a Canadian, it's so fucking relieving to watch a President talk about following science.
Guess I'm weak