Feeling Guilty About My Girlfriend Getting an IUD
Kanye is losing it
Show me your mitted Ragdolls
What helped you reduce the fatigue of depression/burnout?
How do I get rid of these from my hairbrush?
dear sisters, what are your special interests? or things you specifically Like
Why do I find this so funny?
when did you finally find ‘your girls’?
Show me your baby’s eyes in the sun 🥹
Waar komt de haat van senseo koffie vandaan?
As I boy, I watch The Kardashians, what do you all think?
Buzzing feel?
Afvallen zonder sportabonnement
Ik weet niet zo goed hoe ik mij hierover voel.
Second cat male or female
Omgaan met nieuws i.v.m. situatie Amerika en Europa.
how to relax?
Is my cat a ragdoll?
Pixie cut for hair sensory issues??
i'm curious! F25
Welk ongeloofwaardig excuus hebben jullie moeten gebruiken?
Did you have ear infections as a kid? Apparently autistic kids are more prone to having them.
Help! How do I make my apartment nicer?
Is it normal for rabbits to just “hang out” inside their litter box?
[question] microphone tips for pets?