How to aim with my left hand like this in Bf1
Achar que pessoas pobres não deveriam casar e constituir família é eugenia sim.
A onda de hate pelo menos gerou algo positivo: Os memes da "lactação" nos games são bem engraçados kkk
First time playing and struggling
You know. It always did bother me, the enemies if you managed to disarm them. They try to beg for their lives. The nerve. They were going to kill Joel/Ellie just a few seconds ago in a heartbeat. Your thoughts?
I hate this.. clearly 100% a hit.. I dont want to know how many kills i dont get because of something like this..😫
What is this
Qual Nome eu posso colocar nele?
I posted me jumping over the Sabre on here a while ago, but i got some other good stuff in here too
qual pirula?
The Handley Page HP.52 Hampden is a British twin-engine medium bomber that was operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF).
WT mobile ads goes beyond perfection
Wondering about Days Gone 2
Virei piloto de avião aos 18 anos, e com 22 sai do país para voar fora AMA
Why is Deacon and only Deacon always shouting?
What are your thoughts on hardcore servers?
Can you put missiles on it?
eu_nvr 😑
Ajude a tornar a internet um lugar mais saudável
I don't quite understand the discourse regarding the cure working or not.
Peter sobre nerdolas: 🤬😡🤬 Peter sobre lacrolas: 😅🥲🤤
Maybe it's not all bad
Provedor "ativou" meu IP para que seja acessado por outras operadoras. Como isso funciona?
Dragon Valley map from BF2 would be a perfection