Advice for a Newbie
Trustworthy & Reliable Mechanics?
Phoebe never grieved for her baby
Why do they make Paige say the name of the thing she orbs?
Magicians new home
Your Favorite Episodes?
Where U Can Watch ❤️
Zelda must have huge biceps and strong shoulders…
Can't believe Netflix is removing the show
Where to Watch
Closest Polyvore Alternative!!!
46% OFF
Discord server?
Theyre taking it off Netflix :(
My Father is Kevin
Peaches & Plums
Aries sun scorpio moons, are ya’ll cheaters?
Would you say youre a big crier?
Why do Scorpios fall for Virgos?
My instincts are always right and I’m officially done dumbing myself down to make others comfortable.
Friend Timing Updates?
What's your mbti type?
Could you roast my chart ‘kindly’?
Puzzled by Scorpio moon moving on so quickly