Carpenting Is Too Easy
Weapon Drop RNG
OnlyHands [TRAILER]
Patch notes March 20th
Folks, I think we just uncovered something huge
Detailed Combat + Levelling Guide
Fen Research - Robotics Company?
Discoverer / Card Collector leaderboards: Global "Profession" (Number)
What is the most satisfying in-game sound effect?
Inspired by yesterday’s post: Combining armor and items into a single tab, adding hover functionality, and aligning item placement with character anatomy while removing redundant labels like ‘Torso’ and star ratings for a cleaner display
Instances VS. community gatherings
missed 1k so heres 1500
Faction-based mob danger ratings
Thoughts on a combined equipment tab?
What's the most difficult profession to level in your opinion?
When a crowd of high level players suddenly file into the room to celebrate someone maxing a profession
1000 + 1000 = 2000
What do you want for new in game goals?
Obligatory 2k Total (Don't mind the 500s)
Is he the top combat player?
Obligatory 200 Blacksmith
What Are You Expecting From Bosses?
'Factionless Man' Lvl 100 Combat - Update on Colorful Guard Shirt Collection
Pastisio is Back at it