Eeveelution or make some candy?
I’m married (34M), but I have a crush on another married woman (33F). What to do?
The man who molested me and my siblings is threatening to sue us for defamation because I called him out on Facebook
Event Megathread - Psychic Type Week (Munna and Musharna)
My encounter with this may be the most important thing to happen on September 11th of any year
Psychic event; no buffs?
I have reached the limit on ralts just about, I think this has potential to be my main healer. Should I boost him up for psychic week ?
Question(s) about how to get rid of a gun
I’ve never paid money for an in app purchase before this… I just spent 2 bucks on a Sableye 😭
My girlfriend (26F) of 7 years just told me (27F) that she's straight but still loves me. Where do I even go from here?
Oh-ooh... the devs patched the exploit out!
What do you guys buy from the premium shop?
Teacher 34F says a flirty/weird comment about my boyfriend 18M. Am I insane?
Napping on good sleep day
Nappers, what do you do about your bonus biscuit?
Fiancés (35M) Dad touched me (28F) inappropriately and didn’t do anything.
I’m 18, live in Kentucky. The Court date for a dog bite citation I was issued is set for a date that I’ll be out of the country. I just need this date moved out a few days.
AIO for refusing to visit the US, with my American boyfriend until the 51st state rhetoric and tariffs stop
Man in his 30s is dating my 16 year old coworker
I (27f) have a boundary that my boyfriend (29m) doesn’t agree with and it’s affecting our relationship.
Are the good sleep day bundles worth it?
If I'm hunting Squirtle on Cyan and am past Master 10, should I start taking "naps" to get a higher chance at Squirtle?
Now that the level cap is getting increasingly higher, how do you feel about Exp- nature?
I think Inventory Up is better than Ingredient Finder. Change my mind?
I literally yelled