Do you think that there are Antarctic zones in the Hollow Earth? Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing such zones. (Don't ask what kind of photoshop this is, I was just trying to illustrate a scenario from my head)
How would you incorporate Daspletosaurus into the Jurassic Franchise?
Drownviper concept art by Alex Ries for Godzilla x Kong
...I love the Cookie Run comics, they're so out of context
Pit Bull opens car window and attacks scooter driver [6 March 2025, Taiwan]
"Burning Godzilla (2019)" is now available in the Gigantic series as a clear version
Which scene do you think is *overhated*?
How do u guys feel about the D Rex now that it's been over a month since the trailer?
Demon the Carnotaurus is back!
We need a sequel/remake of Warpath. I want it to happen so much.
Jurassic World Chaos Theory | Season 3 Trailer | Netflix
More moons, more child support, and more new additions to his family, I guess
Was not expecting this from the cast
Do you think we can add the DRex to the Big 4?
"Twist Ending" | My first Megapost ever: R.L. Stine VS Stephen King Megapost!
Can we all agree on this
...They're probably still down deep below waiting for someone to rescue them...
Every Saga is Three Games and what should the new saga be called
A surprisingly large number of people in this community when it comes to the player's identity:
Solarballs but it’s only those who are in their orbit
Found this while on Twitter; Bron was going to appear but got cut from this chapter
Simon Vs Kyle
What's the verdict that surprised you the most?
I have a feeling he would have the biggest CRASH OUT on a cosmic scale when he finds out about what's happening...
At this point, Skull Island's ecosystem is literally infested with so much random bullshittery