I get these are supposed to be rare/hard to obtain but man i feel like 100+ runs is a bit excessive lol (and no nothing to do with opening of wrong containers lol, open every Genetic crate each run spawns )
Suggestions on most efficient way to farm out these kills?
Maxed out fellow with only smallest exp pills!
soo... the shop may be broken....
well im pretty happy with the events we've had so far, this one wasnt to bad either, though think i missed a couple days worth of tokens, hows everyone elses shops looking, and whats left over if you grabbed all of the dailies over the duration of event? This what I ended with.
Requiring assistance with a handful of settings in the "Performance" tab and need to be talked to like I'm an old man that just ain't with the times when it comes to modern technology lol
Do people out there ever get any form od error codes, promts, messages, ect... when the game closes/crashes for them? I have never once seen a single one, it always just straight closes game back to desktop with no warning or tell as to when it'll happen lol
Invasion missions know what I need and give me everything but that :l When was the last time invasion had Heart of the Fortress as the daily? I've been sitting at 6/10 on HotF for ages in the journal and its driving me nuts lol
anyone else have this bug with sigvoores proof?
Looking for build suggestions/Recommendations for a Super Conductor Trans Ulti Bunny build. Find it helpful in getting a more consistent run in Echo Swamp Defend runs with randoms. The ATK reduce seems to be enough to help my... helpers survive more often then not lol. What I'm thinking below, tips?
KGL bugged lol (sorry for music, get bored sitting in lab for hours)
has anyone figured out a rhythm or reason as to what causes these incredibly rare 100+ voucher drops on defiler? Haven't run into any solid info on it anywhere and managed across one of my own and it got me curious now.
Anyone have the new updated maximum mastery rank exp total with new update? What should one be at? (personally still missing ines atm, crafting)
I seem to have a knack for finding weird geometry in this game regardless of the region or area I'm in but this one gave me a good smile
So Im on the journey of trying to max out the journal section of the game whats everyone else at? Also I Would like to know if anyone has tips for progressing this one, honestly have an incredibly hard time even being able to see the grapple points let alone hitting them when they are ready.
Weekly Megathread - January 16, 2025 - Some rules don't apply
Ironheart Particles Collected quests do not complete.
This game and it's dupes, sadge
Have the "TODAY" Tasks always been at the bottom?
Need more selections like this to pop up, cant really do wrong with any of those
Short lived fun
So many Canisters lol
Guess I'm not playing today xD