Hey there, does anyone here have the pinprick red dots (petechiae, cherry angioma?)
Does anyone here have tiny pinprick red dots over their body?
Does anyone have tight “snapping” “popping” or “clunking” tendons. Specifically tendons.
Okay, here’s another question. Who here has “creaking” tendons? Specifically creaking? And specifically tendons!
Tendon/ligaments popping??
Shiny hands - help?
24F: Systemic Tendonitis in ALL joints after ACLR surgery
Enthesitis and clicking everywhere
Does anyone’s tendons creak, snap or pop
Bruising & Scleroderma
What does your stiffness feel like?
Any of you guys have tight snapping tendons post Covid vaccine?
Buzzing Feeling In Knees?
Tight snapping tendons post Covid?
Needle or tool for weaving in bulky and fuzzy yarn?
Do you guys have tight snapping tendons? Can you explain tendon friction rub to me?
Does anyone here have tight snapping tendons post Cipro?
How many of you started noticing little red dots or cherry angiomas on your skin after getting LC?
Collagen causing widespread tendon inflammation?
The evil EU
Best sleeping position right after spinal fusion (cervical)?
Welsh Representation Jack
Union Jack with St David's cross to represent Wales as well
who would win that hypothetical war?