Which inhalants did you use? Which would you „recommend“?
What’s normal prices for DMT? 1g 150€?
How similar is auvelity to ketamine?
Vyvanse is the best thing that's ever happened to me... BUT I CAN'T BLOODY SLEEP!!
Best way to make ADHD stimulants last longer throughout the day
Tinnitus in my ear cos‘ of drugs?
List of natural/OTC dopamine reuptake inhibitors
Does Phenibut block dopamine at higher dosages? What’s your take on that substance?
Legal cocaine replacement? What’s up in your mind?
Will masturbation while on vyvanse make the dopamine baseline to go higher?
Cautionary tale: been embarrassing myself by not taking hydration seriously…
How strong is the DRI effect of zinc and saffron?
What supplements do you take with Vyvanse?
Ist Gabapentin ein angenehmer Rausch, wenn missbraucht?
Absolute most euphoric drug of all time?
How euphoric do you find Sida Cordifolia?
How to consume San Pedro powder (bitterness)?
What to do? Desperation
How do I get down San Pedro powder? And does Vyvanse affect LSA?
Nas, DMX and Scarface, Last hope
Is this possible?
Let’s rate the strongest snuff
What's the best combo for legal euphoria?
How to make fluoxetine work best?