My boyfriends laziness is killing our relationship
Nick is ick
One thing you hate about the show overall
What is a slang phrase that drives you crazy as a xennial?
Post prophy sealant
My BF (18M) can’t handle my (19F) emotions?
If I log onto my trading app and buy 100% of what a companies worth am I now the ceo and owner?
How do you clean this without a hose?
Meet my new kitty, Cheese Louise!
Am I alone in thinking the monologue is almost always bad?
Grey’s Anatomy fun fact.. Meredith and Sadie’s nicknames death and die come from MereDEATH and SaDIE !! did anybody know that
Fun fact .. did anyone know that the nickname’s death and die? Come from .. MereDEATH and saDIE ?
How would you describe Amelia Shepherd with one word?
(18M and 18F) How do I get my boyfriend to realize that I'm not cheating?
I kinda want to quit my job
Let's talk about moments and scenes that are giving us second hand embarassment after every rewatch.
TVD quote that starts with F?
Found out today that a dog I worked with has been put down…
Prices have .99 in them,like just use the full damn price what is this .99 nonsense.
Cold sores? Need gone ASAP.
Does anyone else fall asleep to Grey’s?
What are your five favorite lines/reactions/moments from TBL?
How would you describe your life in one sentence?