My poor baby was about to accomplish his first kill, but got yeeted with a full force Kuhli Tail Slam!
Can’t resist the clams
The second worm scared him when it came out of his gills😂
How do you collect snails from a snail tank?
This is Buddy
Would my tank crash if I take out all the current substrates?
Fierce lil guy
Yams is too quick
Is my little buddy breathing too rapidly?
Two worms for the king, you can see the worm come out his gills at the end 😣
Male bristlenose?
I would like to introduce you all to yams newest neighbor. The hairy pufferfish, any name suggestions?
Yams was looking majestic in the water flow
Yams chillin
My pufferfish
Happy Friday
Night night
Yams hasn’t been feeling the earthworms
Bite risk/ experience with puffers?
Why is my ramshorn blue?
Really let that little piece go to waste
Caught my pufferfish burying in slow motion
Corydora feeding trouble/aquarium levels help?
Just got two more peas to go with my female. Meet Blimp and Balloon