Is this worth it for 55?
My warden just turned off for 5 seconds
Saving for my kids
Proxy or not
Childhood cards
Only the promos and poster. $15??? Which one of you fuckers is this.
Just got this delivered. Was wondering if its real or not
This is a sign to rip your sealed
Just bought this gem for 55$ CAD !
Print more fucking product
[26 F] How can I improve my looks?
Are we serious?
Going to Walmart 3 times a day for 3 days in a row finally paid off.
Prismatic evolutions
Prismatic Evolutions ETB
Should I sell or hold?
Finally mastered 151
Oh my God what did I do
Will N raise with Journey Together?
Importing Pokémon cards from Japan
Heat Wave Arena from Hobbygenki already sold out
Importing cards from Japan to Europe
Part of the story behind this viral video at a pokemon vending machine