Arguing with Alexa
“No One Knows My Name/Would You Kindly Just Do The Conga Already?” live from St Pete 2/28
What year of les paul is that?
Canadian President?
Niche TMBG trivia
Ever come up with your own parody songs?
Red light turn etiquette
We didn’t start the fire hate?
TMBG is now listed as “Comedy Rock” on Wikipedia. Ugh.
That specific kind of Linnell song...
Not a bad winter so far..
What TMBG song do you think would make for a good song in a musical?
Albuquerque -"Columbia record club"
Remote starters basically useless now right?
Cars were not better “back in the day”
Are there any (even slightly) outdated TMBG lyrics?
Since you're left handed, did your teachers or other people tell you when you wrote that "you're doing it wrong"?
I am getting tired of this...
Anything I Should Add?
Song for beginner guitarist
Saddest TMBG lyric?
Does anyone know what instrument this is?
Songs you love by an artist you morally despise?
Anyone had similar experience on Kajiji
Driving same car as the police