Good resources for editing?
Canon EF 70-200 f2.8 II, Sigma sport, or Tamron G2??
New to bird photography, here’s a few from Cornwall 🙂
Need suggestions
Is This clickable and if not what can i improve
b&w nature
All I wanna know is ...
Where to buy Canon Powershot SX740?
Beginner Camera
Help! JVC Camcorder Not Charging – Sentimental Videos Stuck on It
What could be wrong with this lens? (Canon 75 - 300mm, USM, IS, 1995)
Are these aphids on my plant?
How to get out of <50 view shorts hell?
Why do you love photography?
Why is this one duck larger than all the others and have a more orange beak? (Pennsylvania)
Growing a Monetized dead channel challenge? (150k subs)
Our channel went from making $2k+ per day to struggling to make $200 per day one year later. Has anyone experienced and recovered from a devastating downturn like this?
Impressions and views dropping like a stone - anyone else getting this?
Technical questions about audio and video
Do you consider yourself a "YouTuber"?
My Stream Got Raided by White Supremacist
What should I get based on my needs?
I got an I interesting question about hooks on yt...
Birds are on the move as their annual spring migration begins. How to see which ones are flying over your head?
Need advice