Okayyyy how do you play... Edgar? and when should he be drafted if ever?
New Ranked Starr Drops Chances
supercell messed up??
Should Garden Mulcher gadget have a short cooldown after the gadget rework?
Stop duo queuing in ranked
Let's talk about Otis!
which eve skin
Is Motherly Love actually viable in competitive/ranked with Eve's hypercharge or not?
Hot Take: Charlie should be a tanky lane keeper with a higher hp than the average brawler, since her attack and super are no longer providing her with enough survivability or damage-dealing capability. (Explanation below)
Is Italian the only language where crow's mastery isn't Caw caw?
What brawlers could be meta given a hypercharge
which teams do you guys support?
How Greek canonical is it that the Gods just sat back and watched Poseidon get pummeled by a mortal using his own powers (the storm) and weapon (the trident)?
Is it good to spam super on the wall using Sam?
Genuinely, how the hell are you supposed to play melee brawlers??
Why is tick so bad in hotzone?
Unpopular take. It's all Athena's fault.
How do you play Kenji?
As a new eve main, I am surprised that the hatchlings has area effect
What’s your best line up for duels? Specific order if any, gadgets, power level. And does your team consist of your favorite brawlers or do they just do better in duels?
is my phone hendering my performance?
the Mr.P guide you never asked for!
What's your main? and why?
Why do people complain about surge and Rico but not juju and gus
Would Sam be better with a short super?