Where are the bitlife OG's? The $2.99 bitzens
The photos are just there are no words except horror
Do you break your spaghetti?
What are you shamelessly American about?
How do you feel about your state as opposed to the country in its entirety ?
What were you bullied for?
Do people from other parts of US visit Staten Island and New Jersey to experience Italian food, culture and architecture?
Are there any medications/drugs that have been shown to decrease levels of anxiety?
Was “niners” a thing at your school?
When did you start learning a second language in school ?
Which Cast You Like More?
Do you think Maya and Zig still would’ve ended up together had Cam not died?
How do you get better?
Does it get quiet after u finish speaking in a group?
Does music ease social anxiety?
Why did they spread her ashes in the same place she was killed?
Is PDA allowed in American schools?
Bitlife has so much potential
What career actually suits people with social anxiety?
What Is one total drama season you can always rewatch?
What’s one thing you got bullied for that you can’t control?
[Discussion] Do you have a preference when it comes to men or women doing ASMR?
what are you tired of people saying to you?
What is your favorite comfort ship?
As one life ends, another one starts...